Prayer is Legit.
Over the past few days I have felt the need to start a blog to keep everybody back in the heart of it all and the first capital where we have stoplights and all that good stuff (2:56-3:14) updated on my experiences at the University of Southern California & LA. Also I was informed by my father today that Miss Gayle Watkins thinks it would be a good idea to let everybody know what's going on and that I'm doing fine & dandy! So Gayle, here ya go :)
"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." - Galatians 1:10
It's a constant struggle we all face everyday. Are we investing our time and efforts in the desires of Jesus or the desires of the world. We all want to do everything we can to please Jesus but sometimes it doesn't fit in our schedule or our pride gets in the way. Tonight, God put me in one of those situations.
I was walking back to my apartment after eating dinner and was called 20 yards off my path to have a conversation with a middle-aged woman who was sitting on a bench. I had seen her earlier in the day when I was walking to lunch. She was wearing a Kansas City Chiefs winter jacket and some sweatpants. Her name was Cindy. She said that she knew I was a christian and that God told her to talk to me. Cindy explained to me her situation and that she needed help paying her rent and that if she didn't pay it soon she would be evicted. She then took my hand and began to pray for me. With all she's going thru, she wants to pray for me. At that moment, Cindy laid it all down, it was just Jesus, her and me. I pray for the boldness and courage that Cindy showed while we were praying, and break down my walls of pride that keep me from fully experiencing the life Christ has for me. Immediately after we finished praying, a young man named Juan approached Cindy and gave her some cash he had gotten from the atm. Cindy had met and prayed with Jaun earlier in the day. She didn't know he would come back though. Prayer is legit. I was glad to help her, which made her very happy as well. She gave me countless hugs and continued to thank me and hold my hand. I was just thankful that God provided me with the opportunity. She explained to me how it's not easy to ask for money, and I explained to her that I know how she feels. Well kind of... She's tired, alone, and is uncertain as to who is going to provide. At least I was able to take a shower and look nice while raising support. I had a lot to learn from Cindy.
There's givers and receivers in life, sometimes we are on the giving end and others the receiving. I guess since I have been on the receiving that I knew it was time to switch over to the giving. I am constantly reminded that it's not my money, but God's money, and if a sister in Christ is in need, we must help her stand up again. I admire that she wants to pay me back, but if it doesn't work out it's ok cause it's all agape. Please pray that Cindy will continue to stay on the path of the righteous thru all the trials.
I wasn't in Compton, I wasn't in Watts, I wasn't on skidrow. I was on the campus of USC.
Thank you for all the support and prayers. My time in LA has been great so far and i'm very thankful for all the opportunities that God is providing.
Please pray that I can continue keep my focus and Audience of One as I work with the women's soccer team.
Laughter and Shouts of Joy